Chiropractic Cares for Spine Pain
What makes you come to the chiropractic office? The spine, spine pain or spine related pain.
Chiropractors play a well-recognized role as spine care providers in the
greater health care system. Insurance, regulatory, and educational bodies reimburse,
regulate, and produce graduates focused on spine care from examination and
diagnosis to treatment. (1) Society sees chiropractic as spine care
professionals often more clearly than does chiropractic itself (2) though your Montreal
chiropractor knows spine care is the forte of clinical practice at
Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic! Once the spine pain issue is calmed, we work with you on issues
of health and well-being.
and Glucosamine Sulfate
Benefits for Cartilage and Cancer Risk Reduction
Glucosamine (GS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) are common
supplement recommendations and for good reason. CS is a natural glycosaminoglycan
found in the cartilage and extracellular matrix. It shows clinical benefits in
symptomatic osteoarthritis of the finger, knee, hip joints, low back, facial
joints and other diseases due to its anti-inflammatory activity. (3) Recent studies
suggest that use of GS and CS may be associated with reduced
risk of colorectal cancer by 45% in users who take them 4 or more days a week
for three years or more. (4,5) A high 10-years use of glucosamine reportedly
reduces lung cancer risk. (6) Amazing information for these common supplements
that initially came out just to help cartilage and disc! Let’s talk about
glucosamine and chondroitin and the supplements available at your next Montreal
chiropractic appointment! Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic is up on the highest quality nutritional supplements available.
Oh, Those High Heels Look So Fine!
They are a fashion statement, yes, especially this time of
year! Wearing them increases the flexion of
knees and ankles and even affects the curve of the neck since the body’s center
of gravity is off! High heel wearers tend to report neck pain, low back pain
and knee pain when they wear high heels a lot. (7) Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic
appreciates the loveliness of these shoes but also wants to
forewarn our Montreal females of their difficulties…and
invite you to see Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic when they bother your spine! Our Cox Technic spinal manipulation is gentle and relieving!
Vitamins B and D Are Important as We Age
Vitamins B and D influence diseases that often come with
aging. Low levels of Vitamin D may be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s
Disease. (8) Taking NSAIDS for low back
pain often cause adverse effects which can be counteracted
by adding B-group vitamins - artrozan (meloxicam) and cyanocobalamine (B-group
vitamin complex - to the treatment plan. (9) B-vitamins are garnering much
interest from researchers. Low levels of folate and related B-vitamins (and/or
high levels of homocysteine) point to higher levels of degenerative diseases
like cardiovascular disease, cognitive dysfunction, and osteoporosis. The good
news is if B vitamins are supplemented, they seem to have a preventative effect.
(10) That’s what Montreal chiropractic care is all about at Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic
– prevention whenever possible! We can help set up a nutrition plan just for you.
Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic wishes you the happiest of holidays and the
best of health in 2017!