Pickled beets. Sauerkraut. Kimchi. Olives. Cottage cheese.
Yogurt. These are a few foods in the
class of foods known as fermented foods.
Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic knows our
Montreal chiropractic clients have heard of them by name in the list
above but may not recognize them as members of the fermented foods family.
Now, before you stop reading because the whole idea of eating fermented foods
sounds bad, know that these foods are really good for you. (They’re in local
Montreal grocery stories!) Their history often goes back to ancient consumption times in all cultures which, in addition to the necessity of preserving food
via fermentation for year-round use, saw medicinal value and nutritive value of
the foods they ate to quench hunger. Fermented foods are so important today as
our food supply and eating habits are so different and not typically different in a good
way. (And Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic knows we have some very conscientious
Montreal chiropractic patients who are really good about their
diets!) It’s no wonder more and more
people have food sensitivities and digestive issues and a whole range of other
issues that can be traced back to a lack of good bacteria that fermented foods
offer. So Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic shares a little information on fermented foods and
their benefit for our Montreal chiropractic patients.
Fermented foods begin as whole foods like grapes (wine),
cucumbers (pickles), and milk (yogurt, cheese). Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic knows we have
Montreal chiropractic clients who enjoy these!) Then microorganisms
start to break down their carbs and sugars into things like lactic acid. (Think
sour: pickles and sauerkraut.) After this conversion, these fermented foods
become powerhouses of healthy probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms
that improve our health. How? By improving the health of our bodies’ good bacteria
involved in digestion, immunity, and disease prevention. Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic is all for health improvement
of our Montreal chiropractic patients! Fermented foods are also reported
to be antimicrobial (to kill microorganisms or slow their growth) and
antioxidant and immunomodulatory (to regulate the immune system) and antithrombic
(to reduce blood clots) and antihypertensive properties (to reduce high blood
pressure) and even anti-diabetic. (1) Interestingly, ethnic foods often are
fermented foods with benefits like anti-obesity and anti-aging (Korean kimchi)
and immune system regulating (Korean Natto) and anti-cancer (Indian dahi) and nutrient/protein/vitamin/beneficial
bacteria rich (Japanese miso).
Speaking of beneficial bacteria, fermented foods provide
food for all the trillions of beneficial bacteria living in our bodies,
especially the digestive tract. Fermented foods are also easier to digest
because they are already partially broken down by good bacteria. Have any
Montreal friends who have trouble digesting foods? Maybe share with them this article on fermented foods as these are already partially digested, helping the body absorb the nutrients of food
more easily.
So what are some of the
good nutrients fermentation provides?
- Vitamin C – cabbage in sauerkraut
- Vitamin K and Protein – miso (fermented
- Protein, Calcium, Vitamin D – Kefir and Yogurt
- Fiber & active culture – Cultured Coconut
Milk / Yogurt for a dairy-free option
- Probiotics, B vitamins, acetic acid (stabilize
blood glucose levels) – Kombucha (black tea/sugar/bacteria/yeast)
- Bacteria bacillus, calcium, iron, fiber, vitamin
K2 – Natto (soybean)
- Spirulina (immune system enhancing) – Sourdough
bread (the real kind!) (4)
As a side note, an adult way to enjoy fermentation is with
red-wine (anti-aging due to the melatonin that regulates the body clock) and
beer (unless it’s pasteurized or filtered) and cider. And for a sweet-tooth,
the fermented food is chocolate! (3)
Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic offers chiropractic care for the whole family, for the whole body. Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic is great at caring for the spine, the body's support system, as well as low back pain as well as neck pain, arm pain and leg pain with nutrition, exercise, and diet. So thank you for reading more about fermented foods before
passing judgment on them or dismissing them. Today’s diet and culture of fast, mass produced food
leaves much to be desired for a healthy gut and body. Incorporating more
fermented foods into your diet may be beneficial. Your Montreal
chiropractor is here to discuss your diet, health and fermented foods. Contact
Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic today to set up your next Montreal chiropractic